Cartoon – genderfluid
Cartoon on genderfluid. One person asks another: Are you genderfluid too? The other person answers: now and then.
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Cartoon on genderfluid. One person asks another: Are you genderfluid too? The other person answers: now and then.
Cartoon about retirement: A man joyfully throws files and documents into the air and shouts: Retirement – Never work again! Death stands behind him and counters: True.
Cartoon comic about Alexa voice control from amazon. A woman sits on the sofa and reads. She has the male version “Alex”. She says: Alex, play something by Celine Dion. Alex answers: Right after the sports show.
Cartoon – An alien sits on a planet and observes the end of the world with a glass of wine in its hand.
Comic cartoon about the hygiene rules because of Corona: A bride and groom want to get married. The registrar stands in a pile of documents and says, “If you have signed the hygiene precautions as read, I declare you legally joined husband and wife.”
Cartoon comic about horoscope. A man who is a scientist reads in his horoscope “Today beware of experiments.” And behind him his experiment is collapsing.
Cartoon comic about password. A man sits in front of his computer, whose screen is covered with postits and notes, and enters the password ****.
Cartoon comic about the protection of monuments. On a construction site, the foreman instructs the excavator driver to excavate the rubble. However, he is not sure whether the rubble is not also protected as a historic monument, like some other things.
Cartoon comic image about the lockdown light because of Corona. Deserted inner cities are the result of the thoughtless politics so far.
Cartoon comic: A man carries a sign with the inscription “Black Fridays Matter”. Allusion to the discrepancy between Black Lives Matters and Black Friday.
Death Cartoon Death Comic: Death picks up a person. The latter says: But I have life insurance. Death replies: Not on me…
death cartoon: A human man exclaims, “Now I have discovered the meaning of life!” At the same moment, Death comes to pick him up and says, “This is probably a little inconvenient right now.” Better late than never.
Cartoon comic picture: About corona deniers and covid demonstrations. A demonstration participant asks where the others are. The answer of his companion: They are sick with covid.
Cartoon comic: A woman does online yoga naked and accidentally forgot to turn off the camera. She does the asana the “Downward Facing Dog”.
cartoon comic picture on animal transport: an animal transporter is on fire. the driver has saved all the pigs. and is taking them to the slaughterhouse-
Cartoon Comic Hidden Object: A woman human resources manager sits desperately in the office with two phones in hand, trying to clear the chaos caused by Corona in the house. In the background she still has an emergency childcare set up.
Cartoon comic about Corona, sports clubs and the financial situation. A player sets up to shoot, the goalkeeper says: shoot carefully, we can’t afford a new goal right now.
Cartoon comic about the payment of caregivers in the health care system. Clapping isn’t enough for us. a person is lying injured on the ground and yells, “Hey, you’ve got to help me!” The EMTs respond, “We do. we clap for you.” And clap for the patient.
Cartoon comic slaughterhouse. The devil sits by his son’s bedside and reads him a bedtime story: and then the butcher cuts off the cow’s hooves while she’s fully conscious. and little Beelzebub says: Dad, please don’t, or I’ll have nightmares again.
Cartoon Comic Image About Online Conference Because Of Corona Covid19