Cartoon Sex in long-term relationship
Cartoon on sex in long-term relationship: a couple is in bed: she says “honey” and he thinks “oh god, she wants sex!”
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Cartoon on sex in long-term relationship: a couple is in bed: she says “honey” and he thinks “oh god, she wants sex!”
Cartoon about getting married. A man proposes to his girlfriend on his knees and asks her, ” Do you want to be my first wife?” This as an allegory to the many marriages that begin enthusiastically and end in divorce.
Cartoon about fire truck and parking situation. A fire truck on an emergency run is parked in an alley that is blocked on the left and right. It cannot get through. The engine driver suggests that it should switch to clearing vehicles. In fact, the maximum width of a fire truck is 2.50 meters. So 3.50 meters should always be left free so that the fire department can get to the scene safely.
Cartoon on trash in the ocean: two fish swim in a completely littered goldfish bowl and ask “Why?” the second fish replies, “To make us feel at home.”
Cartoon about the shortage of daycare spots. A mother runs to the daycare center with her child at dawn so that she can still get a spot and she can go to work.
Cartoon about electricity, energy, smartphones: Two people stand in front of an old antique mill and ask: Is this how they used to charge their cellphones?
Stefan Roth – Stero – Cartoons, Graphic Design & Illustration
Cartoon about gardening and psychotherapy: A watering can sits at the therapist and says: I am a bed wetter.
Cartoon on rebirth and factory farming: Two pigs. One asks the other: Do you believe in reincarnation? The second pig answers: I hope not.
Cartoon about climate change: God is lying on a deck chair on a cloud in the hot sky and says: Global warming does have a few advantages.
Cartoon comic about care robots. A senior citizen is happy about a dog that is jumping onto her lap. And the care robot wonders: What does he have that I don’t? The senior citizen answers: Fur, a wet nose and, most importantly, a heart!
Cartoon about Corona. A coronavirus asks a small coronavirus what he wants to be when he grows up. The little one answers: Omega. The last Corona variant.
Cartoon on the situation around the cormorant. It hunts too much and its faeces endanger trees. So now all cormorants go to the cormorant school and learn how to buy fish properly and how to go to the toilet properly.
A man wants to throw food that is still edible into the trash. A child kicks the pedal bin with full force and the lid flies against the man’s stomach. He shouts: Hey, that’s still good!
Cartoon: Scenario in the hospital, a computer is lying in the hospital bed. It has been hacked. The doctors are discussing whether it is a virus. One doctor says: Let’s do a PCR test via the USB slot.
Cartoon about agents and anti-aging. A hidden secret agent gives another agent an anti-aging cream – for disguise.
Shaving cartoon: A man asks his counterpart: How is your new razor?” “Razor sharp.” the man replies. And has no face anymore…
Cartoon on booster Vaccine: A man dies and arrives in heaven and asks God why he died, he was freshly boostered after all. God replies: It was quick, though.
Cartoon on vegan future: A man sits with a fortune teller. The fortune teller says: “The future is…”. The man laughs and interrupts her, saying “plant-based!”
Cartoon on amazon: A man stands amidst empty boxes from amazon. Often amazon announces large-scale changes in regard to the use of new commercial space, which often turn out to be empty promises for the cities.