Cartoon on vegan future: A man sits with a fortune teller. The fortune teller says: "The future is…". The man laughs and interrupts her, saying "plant-based!"
Cartoon on vegan future: A man sits with a fortune teller. The fortune teller says: “The future is…”. The man laughs and interrupts her, saying “plant-based!”

Search words: vegan, future, vegetable, fortune teller, prediction, oracle, glass ball, The future is plant-based, the future eats plant-based.

At the risk of sounding rather know-it-all, I agree with the smart aleck up there. The future is plant-based. With such a meat-hungry mass of humans, we will neither be satisfied nor preserve the blue planet. The hunger for animal products accelerates climate change, destroys resources, has a crazy land requirement. We simply can’t do it. And the kicker: the Earth doesn’t care if we wipe ourselves out. However, we are well on the way to doing so. In ten to fifteen years there won’t be much left after our extinction. The Earth is literally letting some grass grow over the human “program error”.

Picture-ID: 220210-en

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