cartoon tipping points-climate change
Planet Earth rolls down a cliff. A voice says: If we continue like this, we will reach some climate tipping-points soon.
Cartoons by STERO Stefan Roth about our environment, nature and the world we all live in. For a greater awareness of plants, animals and our own habitat. More environmentally friendly cartoons HERE
Planet Earth rolls down a cliff. A voice says: If we continue like this, we will reach some climate tipping-points soon.
Cartoon – An alien sits on a planet and observes the end of the world with a glass of wine in its hand.
cartoon comic picture on animal transport: an animal transporter is on fire. the driver has saved all the pigs. and is taking them to the slaughterhouse-
Cartoon comic slaughterhouse. The devil sits by his son’s bedside and reads him a bedtime story: and then the butcher cuts off the cow’s hooves while she’s fully conscious. and little Beelzebub says: Dad, please don’t, or I’ll have nightmares again.
Cartoon about bird protection: a bird flies into a window and thinks: “damn GPS!“
Cartoon on trash in the ocean: two fish swim in a completely littered goldfish bowl and ask “Why?” the second fish replies, “To make us feel at home.”
Cartoon about gardening and psychotherapy: A watering can sits at the therapist and says: I am a bed wetter.
Cartoon on rebirth and factory farming: Two pigs. One asks the other: Do you believe in reincarnation? The second pig answers: I hope not.
Cartoon about climate change: God is lying on a deck chair on a cloud in the hot sky and says: Global warming does have a few advantages.
Cartoon on the situation around the cormorant. It hunts too much and its faeces endanger trees. So now all cormorants go to the cormorant school and learn how to buy fish properly and how to go to the toilet properly.
A man wants to throw food that is still edible into the trash. A child kicks the pedal bin with full force and the lid flies against the man’s stomach. He shouts: Hey, that’s still good!
Cartoon on vegan future: A man sits with a fortune teller. The fortune teller says: “The future is…”. The man laughs and interrupts her, saying “plant-based!”
Cartoon about vegan diet: A vampire has a sucked cucumber in his arms and tells his colleague: I now eat vegan.
Cartoon about climate change and environmental destruction. A child angrily says to his father: “Dad, you’re ruining the world the way you live today. He replies: But we’ve always done it that way!
Cartoon on climate change and environmental destruction. Mankind receives notice for vandalism from an alien extraterrestrial.
Cartoon on climate change and CO2: A man carries a huge CO2 backpack.
Cradle to Cradle cartoon. A woman stands half-naked in front of a laundry rack and looks for her organic bra. The plant has already composted it.
Search words: climate change, earth eater, global warming, end of the world, broken earth Picture-ID: 210604-en
Search words: climate change, global warming, carbon footprint Picture-ID: 210330-en
Cartoon about hunters and gatherers. A Neanderthal unsuccesfully hunts a rabbit and thinks to himself: “Damn Fast Food”.