For the one it is snow, for the other ... Cartoon-Comic-Picture about Corona pandemic and conspiracy theories and conspiracy ideologies: Cartoon-Comic-Picture: It's snowing in Corona winter. One man rejoices and shouts: It's snowing! Another runs away screaming because he thinks that the snowflakes are chemtrails and forced vaccination. He probably clings to one of the many conspiracy ideologies.
For the one it is snow, for the other … Cartoon-Comic-Picture about Corona pandemic and conspiracy theories and conspiracy ideologies: Cartoon-Comic-Picture: It’s snowing in Corona winter. One man rejoices and shouts: It’s snowing! Another runs away screaming because he thinks that the snowflakes are chemtrails and forced vaccination. He probably clings to one of the many conspiracy ideologies.

Search words: pandemic, corona, compulsory vaccination, chemtrails, snow, winter, conspiracy ideology, conspiracy theory, covidiotes, alu hat, winter

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