Cartoons about Christmas, X-Mas, Advent, Feliz Navidad. More cartoons, as a gift from STERO Stefan Roth, HERE.

For the one it is snow, for the other ... Cartoon-Comic-Picture about Corona pandemic and conspiracy theories and conspiracy ideologies: Cartoon-Comic-Picture: It's snowing in Corona winter. One man rejoices and shouts: It's snowing! Another runs away screaming because he thinks that the snowflakes are chemtrails and forced vaccination. He probably clings to one of the many conspiracy ideologies.

Corona Cartoon-Comic Winter Conspiracy

For the one it is snow, for the other …
Cartoon-Comic-Picture about Corona pandemic and conspiracy theories and conspiracy ideologies: Cartoon-Comic-Picture: It’s snowing in Corona winter. One man rejoices and shouts: It’s snowing! Another runs away screaming because he thinks that the snowflakes are chemtrails and forced vaccination. He probably clings to one of the many conspiracy ideologies.